The Parish Council have changed the Grants process for 2024/25.

From the 1st of April 2024, all applications received will be reviewed in October.

The deadline for applications is Friday the 20th of September 2024.

The Parish Council can provide grants for local groups and organisations towards projects, services or facilities which bring direct benefit to the Parish and / or its residents.

Requests must be submitted on our application form which can be found here.  The full grants policy is included as part of the form.  Applications for funding in 2024/25 may be submitted at any time during the year and will be considered by the Council at the earliest opportunity.

Grant Application Form


Wokingham United Charities provides grants for needy people living in Wokingham, Wokingham Without, St. Nicholas Hurst, Ruscombe and Finchampstead who are in poverty, hardship or distress.

Visit or alternatively telephone 0118 4032980 or email

The Finchampstead and Barkham Relief in Sickness Fund provides financial help to those who live in the Parishes of Finchampstead and Barkham who have disabilities and require or request poverty relief.

Grants range from £100 to £1000 and are available for a wide variety of needs including Electrical goods, Convalescence, Clothing, Living costs, Household bills, Holidays, Travel expenses, Medical equipment or Nursing fees. Grants are one off and cannot be repeated.

For more information please telephone 0118 9733553 or write to 175 Nine Mile Ride, Finchampstead, Berkshire RG40 4JD.

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