The Roads & Road Safety Committee aims to improve the local road network and safety for users, and to promote sustainable transport. Its work includes:

  • Providing and utilising two mobile speed data recorder units (SDR) around the Parish to collect information on vehicle movements and speeds. This information is used by volunteers including Parish Councillors and the local Neighbourhood Action Group (FinchNAG) to build up traffic profiles by location, to monitor existing levels and how these change over a period of time, and how external factors such as new development influence these. Information is made available to Thames Valley Police, Wokingham Borough Council and local Developers.
  • Carrying out weekly sessions with a Speed Indicator Device (SID) in various locations around the Parish. Information on vehicles exceeding the limit is passed to Thames Valley Police who follow up accordingly and also carry out extra enforcement on roads with ongoing speeding problems.
  • Using post mounted Speed Indicator Devices (PSID) in areas showing the highest levels of speeding.
  • Liaison with the Borough Council on local transport initiatives.
  • Projects including village gateways, improvements to the Avery Corner Car park and various other road safety initiatives.
  • Responsibility for 6 street lights.

Information on our Speedwatch operation can be found here

The members of the Roads & Road Safety Committee are

Cllr Steve Bromley (Chairman)
Cllr Roland Cundy(Vice Chairman)
Cllr Eric Allen
Cllr Steve Bowers
Cllr Pauline Grainger
Cllr Andrew Grimshaw
Cllr Roger Marshallsay

Contact details for all Parish Councillors can be found by clicking here.

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