The Rights of Way Committee aims to ensure that the local network of over 21 miles of footpaths and bridleways are kept in good condition, well signed and as accessible as possible, and well promoted. Its work includes:

  • Employing a part time Footpath Warden who carries out maintenance work.
  • Liaison with various bodies to ensure the rights of way network is enhanced and well maintained, including contact with Wokingham Borough Council, the National Trust, the Loddon Valley Ramblers Group, local land owners, and the Blackwater Valley Countryside Partnership.
  • Planning and promoting circular walks.

The members of the Rights of Way Committee are:

Cllr David Cornish (Chair)
Cllr Chris Mortimer (Vice Chair)
Cllr Andrew Grimshaw
Cllr Sally Gurney
Cllr Graham Jukes OBE
Cllr Simon Weeks
Cllr Roger Woof 

Contact details for all Parish Councillors can be found by clicking here.

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