The Finance & General Management Committee is responsible for budgeting and for the overall control of the general management, administration and financial arrangements of the Parish Council. Its work includes:

  • Setting the annual budget and the precept (the amount collected from residents by Wokingham Borough Council as part of the Council Tax).
  • The annual audit of accounts, and annual return.
  • Grants and donations to local groups and organisations.
  • Risk management and insurance including overseeing the work of the Risk Management Working Group.
  • Community Infrastructure Levy.  
  • Leading on forward planning; liaison with Wokingham Borough Council over partnership working and devolution of services / assets; utilising powers conferred through the Localism Act (2011) and any other current matters.

The members of the Finance Committee are :

Cllr Roger Woof (Chair)
Cllr Graham Jukes OBE (Vice Chair)
Cllr Eric Allen
Cllr Steve Bromley
Cllr David Cornish
Cllr Roland Cundy
Cllr George Evans
Cllr Sylvia McDonald

Contact details for all Parish Councillors can be found by clicking here.


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