Thames Valley Police|

Burglars are often opportunistic thieves and you can take steps to help avoid becoming one of their victims this Autumn.

Close and double lock all doors and windows when going out, even if you are only away from home for a short period of time. Those 10 or 15 minutes on the school run are all a burglar needs to break into your home. Consider purchasing and installing a video doorbell, house alarm or CCTV system and try to make your home look occupied by using timer switches on lights and radios.

Keep all valuables and keys, especially keyless fobs, out of sight and away from doors, windows and letterboxes. If you are working from home or in a garden outbuilding, ensure your laptop is not on view.

During spells of warm weather, secure your doors, even if you are in the house and remember that on a UPVC multi-locking door you may have lifted the handle but until you turn the key on the inside you have not fully locked the door. Close and secure all windows when you leave a room and at night. If you need ventilation, try to open only small windows and consider a lockable window restrictor or a small alarm sensor on larger windows to detect entry. If you go out make sure your property is fully secure and do not advertise you are away from home on social media.
If you have a key safe, ensure it is not visible to people passing by, but anyone tampering with it could be seen.

Keep sheds and other outbuildings securely locked. Put all gardening equipment, tools and furniture away when you are not using them. Keep your garden fences in good repair and ensure all side gates are shut and locked.

Ensure all doors and windows are locked and closed on your vehicle. Many thefts are from insecure cars and vans. When not in use, store electronic keyless car fobs away from doors and windows in a security pouch to prevent them being scanned by thieves to open and steal your car.

To join a local Neighbourhood Watch Scheme, visit

You can find further crime prevention advice at

Please contact us if you have any information relating to burglary and theft in your neighbourhood. Report online at call us on 101 or in an emergency dial 999.
Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on free phone 0800 555 111.

Thank you.

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